Bowen Technique Therapy was developed by Tom Bowen in Geelong, Australia in the 1950’s.

Feel good with Bowen Therapy

It does not impose the will of the therapist but treats you as a unique individual. Bowen Therapy offers your body and mind the opportunity to reboot itself and restore structural integrity, reduce pain, anxiety and bring balance back to the body.

It is a gentle subtle therapy non-invasive and relaxing therapy. Bowen Technique Therapy is suitable for anyone from new-born babies through to our older people. Most clients report a sense of calmness and wellbeing at the end of a treatment.

Bowen Technique Therapy consists of three moves. Skin slack, gentle pressure and then rolling moves over muscle, tendon and fascia.

It is not massage.

Unique to Bowen are a series of short breaks whereby the body is left resting quietly to respond to the moves. This gives the body time to trigger the brain to switch off the “Fight or Flight” stress response and make subtle and fine adjustments which help to relieve pain, tension and rebalance the body both chemically and physically

Important Features of Bowen

It is tailored to your symptoms and needs. We neither need nor will give a diagnosis.

We look at working with the original source of the problem (often not the area that you are experiencing pain). It is a whole body treatment which has the aim of helping your body to be able to identify and correct areas to restore balance to the body.

Being able to switch off the “Fight or Flight” response has a huge effect on the body, it can not only help to create calmness, but reduce blood pressure, improve breathing, aid circulation, digestion and boost the immune system. With the calming comes relaxation of the fascia and therefore promotes relaxation of tight muscles, tendons, ligaments and scar tissue.

How does it work?

The Bowen Technique helps the body remember how to heal itself. The gentle yet powerful Bowen moves send neurological impulses to the brain resulting in immediate responses of muscle relaxation and pain reduction. The moves create energy surges. Electrical impulses sent to the nervous system remind the body to regain normal movement in joints, muscles and tendons. This helps relieve muscle spasms and increase blood and lymph flow.

Some people feel shifts in their bodies during and after a Bowen session.

While many experience immediate pain relief, improvement is just as likely to unfold over the next few days to a week.

Symptoms Commonly Presented


back pain, neck pain, knee pain, sciatica, sports injuries


IBS, Crohn’s, Constipation, Infant Colic, Endometriosis, Colitis
Needing Help With
Posture, Energy Levels, Flexibility, Mobility, Sleep, Stress/Anxiety


Infertility, Irregular periods, PMS, Endometriosis, Hormonal Balance, Menopausal Symptoms


Fibromyalgia, Migraines, MS, ME, Chronic fatigue, Parkinsons, Dystonia
My Bracknell Bowen Therapy practice is at The Wellness Centre.

My Bourne End Bowen Therapy practice is at The Lotus Centre

My Windsor Bowen Therapy practice is at Windsor Leisure Centre.

My Maidenhead Bowen Therapy is at The Amber Zone.
My Newbury Bowen Therapy practice is at The Fairbourne Clinic
My Reading Bowen Therapy practice is at Theale Wellbeing Centre.

To find out where these practices are just CLICK HERE to find out

Bowen Therapy is not a substitute for conventional medicine but compliments it.



"A Balanced Body with Bowen"

Bowen Therapy is a gentle hands on therapy which treats YOU and YOUR body as a unique individual.



"A Balanced Body with Bowen"

Bowen Therapy is a gentle hands on therapy which treats YOU and YOUR body as a unique individual.


Feel good with Bowen Therapy

Bowen Therapy is a hands-on, non invasive complimentary therapy. It is based on the work of Tom Bowen, where distinctive moves are applied at very precise points on the body, which allows fascial release and prompts the body to start healing. To find out more about this amazing man just Click Here.

A Bowen Therapy treatment consists of sequences of small moves at varying pressures, each at a specific site on the body. The treatment is pleasant with no forceful manipulation. It is a gentle hands on therapy which treats YOU as a unique individual.

To watch a short video about Bowen Therapy and learn more, please CLICK HERE.

The Practitioner

Lee Avery

Welcome to a Balanced Body with Bowen. I’m Lee Avery, a Bowen Therapist and Body Mind Therapist, mother, grandmother and animal lover with a passion for helping people to feel better both physically and mentally.

Bowen Therapy is a gentle therapy which prompts the body to heal. It is suitable for all ages and has helped many people overcome all sorts of problems, from anxiety, stress, depression, sciatica, posture, back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, whiplash, RSI, Frozen Shoulder, Carpal Tunnel, sports injuries and many other types of pain.

Unique to Bowen Therapy are a series of short breaks whereby the body is left resting quietly to respond to the moves. This gives the body time to trigger the brain to switch off the “Fight or Flight” stress response and make subtle and fine adjustments which help to relieve pain, tension, and rebalance the body chemically, hormonally, energetically and physically.

I am an experienced, award-winning Bowen Therapist with clinics in Berkshire and Buckinghamshire. If you have any questions or would like to find out more about Bowen Therapy please get in touch.

Amazing News

I was overwhelmed but absolutely thrilled to receive a call to say I have won The Prestige Award for Therapist of the year London and South East - Berkshire from Prestige Awards! Thank you so much to all of my wonderful clients who continue to support me (especially through this most challenging of years). I'm truly grateful!

If you would like to view my latest newsletter please CLICK HERE